THE 23rd Annual Animation Show of Shows




Intercollegiate Media Studies invites you to the 23rd ANNUAL ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS – the premiere North American showcase for animated short films.


Benson Auditorium
a poster with the words " The 23rd annual animation show of shows, also featuring a selection of the best forom the first 16 years" with a grid of animated still from various movies.


With films from a diversity of countries – including Croatia, Germany, the U.S., Canada, the Netherlands, Mexico, the UK, and Switzerland – this retrospective of the first 16 years of the Animation Show of Shows reveals empathetic narratives dealing with death, love, fear, passion, loss, reverence, denial, and joy. It’s a cinematic journey well worth taking.

The 14 animated short films will be presented in the following order:

XI – Vuk Jevremovic (Croatia/Germany)
Volgens de vogels (According to Birds) – Linde Faas (Netherlands)
Cameras Take Five – Steven Woloshen (USA)
Hillary – Anthony Hodgson (UK)
The Record – Jonathan Laskar (Switzerland)
John and Karen – Matthew Walker (UK)
I'm Hip – John Musker (USA)
Santa, The Fascist Years – Bill Plympton (USA)
The Centrifuge Brain Project – Till Nowak (Germany)
Hasta los huesos (Down to the Bone) – René Castillo (Mexico)
Requiem for Romance – Jonathan Ng (Canada)
When the Day Breaks – Wendy Tilby & Amanda Forbis (Canada)
Overtime – Oury Atlan, Breakbot & Damien Ferrié (France)
Father and Daughter – Michaël Dudok de Wit (Netherlands)

Funny, moving, engaging, and thought-provoking, the ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS not only has something for everyone, but is a remarkable and insightful microcosm of our world.

For 25 years, the ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS has been presenting new and innovative short films to appreciative audiences at animation studios, schools and, since 2015, theaters around the world. Over the years, 41 of the films showcased in the ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS went on to receive Academy Award® nominations, with 11 films winning the Oscar®. Founded and curated by producer Ron Diamond, the ANIMATION SHOW OF SHOWS is funded by major studios, companies, schools and hundreds of animation lovers around the world.

The event is free and open to the public. 
Parking is also free. Park at any available parking areas: Campus Map


Event Information


  • Intercollegiate Media Studies

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Event Organizer

Intercollegiate Media Studies

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